Get Involved

Get Involved

Being involved with World Vision’s ministry means being a Child Advocate!

It means you are one with us to support the cause for the improvement and development of every child’s well-being, not just here in the Philippines but around the world. There are many ways to be a Child Advocate, depending on your capacity and what is nearest your heart to personally respond to the vast needs of children.

Raise your hand

Join Our Ministry

Be a Child Sponsor

Be a Child Sponsor

When you decide to become a sponsor, you will be connected to a child who is registered in the program. As the child’s sponsor, you have the opportunity to build a relationship with them and track their progress and the difference your support is making over time. Your monthly donations become part of a powerful collective fund capable of permanently transforming your sponsored child’s community into a place that offers them the future they deserve.

Be a Fundraiser or Pledge your Birthday
Be a Child Sponsorship Ambassador
Fandoms for Change

Partner with Us

Be a Partner Organization

Be a Partner Organization

Your organization’s support can give hope to thousands of Filipino children, ensuring a bright future for our nation. Get your company involved in impactful programs through cause-related marketing, special grants, and employee engagement opportunities.

Be a Church Partner
Be a School Partner

Work With Us

World Vision helps transform the lives of the world’s poorest children and families in nearly 100 countries. In the Philippines, World Vision Development Foundation provides assistance to the children, families, and communities in 29 provinces and 36 cities.

Make a difference and join in the field of aid and development. Become part of a professional and friendly team committed to fighting poverty at its roots.


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We offer the weekly devotional in digital format, SUBSCRIBE and EXPERIENCE God’s love weekly, daily and evermore.