Consolidated Statements of Children and Youth on Disaster Risk Reduction and Management

The children and youth of the Philippines do not bear responsibility for the climate crisis but suffer disproportionately from disasters. Nonetheless, they have demonstrated their capacity to become agents and catalysts of resilience and climate justice in support of the Sendai Framework and the Paris Agreement and have enumerated their commitments and recommendations through their Consolidated Statements on Disaster Risk Reduction and Management during the National Children and Youth Consultation event.

Their Statement formed part of the Children and Youth Stakeholders Ministerial Statement presented at the Asia-Pacific Ministerial Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction held on October 15, 2024.

We, the 30 children and 21 youth from the various regions of the Philippines and child and youth-led organizations, gathered on 17-18 July 2024, to discuss our role in the Climate Crisis and Disaster Risk Reduction and Management (DRRM). Our realities, voices, and actions are essential for effective and inclusive disaster risk management and climate justice. We acknowledge both our vulnerability to disasters but also see ourselves as powerful agents and catalysts of change, and thus commit to contribute to community resilience. 

For each of the Sendai Framework’s Priorities for Action and the Paris Agreement, we – the children and youth – are committed to the following:

Priority 1: Understanding Disaster Risk

  • Active engagement in making risks assessment and community-based DRRM activities inclusive and participative
  • Articulating the challenges the children and youth face in addressing DRR and climate-related issues 
  • Fact-checking and information dissemination using various forms of media to reach even the most remote areas and vulnerable populations
  • Promotion of youth-led initiatives and organizations for enhancing understanding of DRRM and the Climate Crisis

Priority 2: Strengthening Disaster Risk Governance to Manage Disaster Risk

  • Participation in policy-making processes at local and national levels, through various platforms such as the barangay, Sangguniang Kabataan, community, and schools 
  • Support for climate justice legislation to hold industries accountable, including supporting the passage of the Climate Accountability Act (CLIMA) Bill 
  • Strengthening youth-centered organizations for advocacy and collaboration

Priority 3: Investing in Disaster Risk Reduction for Resilience

  • Active participation in community-based DRRM activities, especially those that capacitate children and the youth
  • Advocating for investment in resilient and inclusive infrastructure for safe schools, hospitals, and evacuation centers
  • Strengthening and leading community-based programs for vulnerable sectors to promote inclusivity

Priority 4: Enhancing Disaster Preparedness for Effective Response, and to Build Back Better in Recovery, Rehabilitation, and Reconstruction

  • Organize child- and youth-led DRRM and climate resilient programming and planning which meaningfully engage adults and key stakeholders
  • Participation in disaster preparedness activities in schools and communities, and ensuring that they are informed by a child and youth lens
  • Maximize platforms and systems for DRR support and climate impact mitigation 

At the same time, we call upon duty bearers – the government, including civil society and the private sector to: 

Priority 1: Understanding Disaster Risk

  • Invest in DRRM and climate education mainstreaming into the curriculum, and develop materials in local languages that integrate environmental protection into disaster risk understanding
  • Ensure inclusivity and accessibility of information using innovative and inclusive media to effectively communicate disaster risk and climate action to the youth
  • Equip rural areas for disaster resilience
  • Incorporate the unique needs and experiences of the children and youth into vulnerability assessments

Priority 2: Strengthening Disaster Risk Governance to Manage Disaster Risk

  • Provide accessible and response services to vulnerable groups
  • Deliberately and programmatically involve the youth in policy development
  • Establish community engagement and feedback and response mechanisms, as part of the larger effort for accountability, transparency, and meaningful participation
  • Institutionalize sustainable practices that address environmental degradation
  • Create and enforce stricter policies that hold companies and Carbon Majors accountable for their role in the Climate Crisis
  • Protect child and youth climate advocates and activists

Priority 3: Investing in Disaster Risk Reduction for Resilience

  • Provide livelihood options that are diversified, sustainable, and environment-friendly, and ensure that investments have no significant adverse environmental impacts
  • Invest in resilient and disaster-proof public infrastructure and systems, particularly for the vulnerable
  • Limit the use of schools as evacuation centers, in accordance with law
  • Consider climate taxation as part of corporate social responsibility

Priority 4: Enhancing Disaster Preparedness for Effective Response, and to Build Back Better in Recovery, Rehabilitation, and ReconstructionCh

  • Balance economic, environmental, and social goals in response, rehabilitation, and recovery, while adopting a whole-of government approach
  • Strengthen the education system through a united approach, addressing the learning crisis exacerbated by COVID-19 and the intensified impacts of disasters
  • Invest in mental health support for youth, including in youth-led peer-to-peer services
  • Institutionalize resilience and safety measures in public infrastructure, especially in making evacuation centers cater to the needs of the vulnerable 
  • Guarantee that relocation programs provide equitable access to essential services

We, the children and youth of the Philippines, pledge to pursue inclusive DRRM and climate actions in support of the Sendai Framework and the Paris Agreement. We urge our duty bearers – the government – supported by partners and the wider community, to provide us with opportunities, platforms, and services to contribute meaningfully to building a just, safe, and resilient country and world for generations to come. 

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